8/16/23 Update

Due to editor instability after a simple change, I'm putting this project on hold until I can work out the many kinks or a better tool for Godot 3.6 or 3.7 comes out.

Version 1: BARE Game Jam Release

This one has been sitting in my pile of projects for awhile and I wanted to practice accessibility with Godot, so I decided to upload what I have to test what works. Please leave comments telling me what works and what doesn't!

How to play:

Once the game is started: On browser you will have to click on the pane to get started. Once there you will hear the name of the game and start. Press enter to get right into the game or go to options by pressing down arrow. There are four buttons on main menu, start, options, help, and quit. 

If you press start: there will be a back button on the top left, this functions as a total reset as there is no saving yet. Pressing 1 2 3 or 4 will progress the game (though you won't get far) and tell you what happened through text to speech. You can also navigate with the arrow keys.


lightsoutgames on Github for Godot Accessibility and TTS

Elevator Music by Bensound


v1 Win Flimsy Whimsy.zip 17 MB
Flimsy Whimsy Adventure for Mac v1.zip 19 MB
v1 Linux Flimsy Whimsy.zip 18 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Unzip and play!

Mac: ???

Linux: ???